Wednesday, November 14, 2012

"The Gilda Stories" Chapter 2 Quiz

This quiz was based on a chapter in Jewelle Gomez's novel, The Gilda Stories.  
Chapter 2 is entitled "Yerba Buena: 1890."

Question 3: Name 3 things going on in this chapter that interests you and why.
1. First, I was interested in the change of fashion Gilda chooses because of how much Eleanor can be so influential, even when it comes to clothes and fashion. This shows how Gilda was slowly conforming to society's norms and Eleanor’ ideas because Gilda usually dresses like a man, which is the way she likes to dress.

2. Second, I was interested in Sorel because he warns Gilda about Eleanor's manipulative personality. I like that he has her best interest in mind.

3.  Third, I was interested in Samuel's character since I did not like him at first.  After reading the chapter, I understand why he acts a certain way whenever he is around Eleanor.

Question 4: Identify and discuss 2 of the values that Anthony articulates to Gilda that she should be learning about and committed to/believe in/ hold precious.
1. Anthony says to Gilda that she should believe in "human nature being twisted to unreasoning . . . There are those who burn like small fires waiting to engulf, to consume whatever comes near them" (67).  This is foreshadowing the possibility of people take advantage of others due to a negative perspective in human nature.  The imagery of a small fire depicts how fire, in general, can be destructive and dangerous if it is not contained.  In this part of the chapter, I like to think Sorel is trying to warn Gilda about Eleanor.  In Gilda's situation, Eleanor is the "small fire" that is posing as a threat to Gilda's life and happiness.

2.  Another idea that Anthony tells Gilda to be committed to is the idea of "the passage of time can clarify if we remain open to it" (69).  Anthony uses the example of his love for Sorel and how it will last in every aspect of time.  This is important in Gilda's life when it comes to knowing how much she loves Bird.  In addition, this concept will also be useful in Gilda's life when getting to know Eleanor and her two-faced personality.  With enough time, Gilda will learn the truth about Eleanor's identity.